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Würfel - Englischsprachige Bücher

Dice Games Properly Explained

Reiner Knizia
E. Reinhold Verlag
Gebundene Ausgabe
224 Seiten
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Dice have amused, entertained and puzzled mankind since the dawn of civilisation.

The timeless fascination of the six-sided cube is enhanced by the need for accurate calculation of probability and the intellectual challenge of making the right choices.

This book explains almost 150 games and variations, compiled by world authority Dr. Reiner Knizia.

The collection ranges from early games whose origins are lost in the mists of antiquity, right up to newly invented games that have never been published before.

The rules of all games are explained lucidly, and the tactical advice given is explicit.

Start with lucky scoring games and counter games, before you move on to explore the theory of probability.

Then you are ready to tackle betting games like craps (including casino versions), 'jeopardy' games, category games like yahtzee, progression games like poker dice, and bluffing games like liar dice.

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