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Swatch - Englischsprachige Bücher


Joe Earle
Firefly Books Ltd.
Gebundene Ausgabe
160 Seiten
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After the Beanie Baby mania, it will not surprise anyone to learn that fashion timepieces--Swatches, specifically--are now considered collector's items.

Rather than just listing prices of Swatch watches, horologist Edwards presents a true catalog, which includes a brief history of Switzerland's watch industry pre-Swatch (when Japanese electronic ticktocks were devouring the market share), production and design, advertising and marketing, and information strictly for aficionados (yes, there is a Swatch club).

The real surprises in the book, however, lie in the full-color directory of artists participating in watch design (Keith Haring, Yoko Ono, and Vasarely) and in the never-ending stream of other Swatch products (telephones, eyeglasses, even a car).

Barbara Jacobs

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