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Waffen - Englischsprachige Bücher

Standard Catalog of Winchester

David D. Kowalski
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704 Seiten
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From 1886 to 1929 the Winchester Repeating Arms Company put its name on everything from garden tools to washing machines, promoting those products as being “as good as the gun.”

Today’s collectors know the Winchester name is magic, and now there is a single price and identification guide covering the full gamut of the company’s products.

The Standard Catalog of Winchester identifies and values more than 2,500 collectibles, including firearms, cartridges, shotshells, fishing tackle, sporting goods, tools and pocket knives, plus provides unsurpassed coverage of the company’s popular calendars, advertising materials and packaging.

Collectors will be amazed at the 2,500 photographs, including hundreds of rarely seen items and a gorgeous four-color gallery of the best Winchester offered.

  • First comprehensive price guide for one of the most popular collectible categories
    2,500 items described and valued, in up to six condition grades.
  • Profusely illustrated with 2,500 photos, including many rare items

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