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Roboter - Englischsprachige Bücher

1000 Robots

Teruhisa Kitahara
Gebundene Ausgabe
704 Seiten
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A colourful medley of childhood dreams and longings from times pastWho hasn't had one of these in their hands, at least as a child - the tin aeroplanes and ships, the clockwork robots or the big American limousines?

Contained in the toy cupboards that housed such tin toys was a colourful medley of many childhood dreams and longings.

Now that computer games have come to stay, tin toys have become obsolete for today's children.

For those of us who remember them from times past, these tin toys can transport us back to our childhoods; they call up a vision of a time we thought we had already forgotten.

They also bear witness to history; they have survived wars and crises, and tell us something of the fashions, colors and tendencies of their times.


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